Saturday, October 31, 2009

Nimirta & Umesh

I love going to young designer's shows. For a simple reason, they're fresh, have newer ideas and sometimes are just brilliantly talented! But this time there were these two youngsters who seem to have put on a show to entertain only for themselves, because for some reason the world was ending and they HAD because it was absolutely essential they do!

I can't understand the Mumbai based designer Nimirta Lalwani. What was it, that she was trying to say through her clothes? I suppose the fact that she was completely spaced out and it was a last minute decision to do the show? Blank outfits, bad fits, bad structuring and to top it really loud sequins! Lalwani should just stay at home and look at her work and perhaps hone in what she wants to do with herself. It's all about that little extra effort which is needed to to introspect and see what your purpose in life really is, having lots of money and putting on a show to torture people isn't a good idea I'd say!

And then there was Umesh Vashisht. I had last season though to myself, that the boy seems to have some potential, only I think I said it too soon. He successfully quashed my opinion of him. Looking at his clothes, the first thing I thought to myself was, seems like a nautical theme with all the ships stuck to the models heads, but then what next? NOTHING it seemed! Apparently sticking ships and then doing a couple of outfits in white and blue is as far as his imagination went, in terms of what a nautical theme could be.


1 comment:

  1. what the hell!!! who is this author with completely no sense of FASHION????? does she/he has courage to write something like this for established designers!!
    i find umesh's clothes were simply stunning!!! and india fashion week surely rocked!!! i ask this author who has selected his/her to be on this imafashionbag....god save this???? no wonder indian fashion and indians are fighting and rating themselves....
    grow up can you critisize any one's artpeice so mercilessly!!!! first of all the owner of this website should pe aware of hiring this kind of senseless...fashionLESS author!!! feel so sorry for you....and was first time reading a article like this...and it was the BIGGGEST TOURTOREEEE!!! for sure!
